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POWarts & Art Mamas Alliance Present: Career Disruption During COVID


POWarts & Art Mamas Alliance Present: Career Disruption During COVID

Monday, February 15, 7:00PM EST

In the fall of 2020, 865,000 American women left the workforce - four times more than men. Forging a career in the arts has always been a challenge, and with the increased demands of childcare, family responsibilities, a lack of social and societal support, and the physical and mental stressors of this uncertain climate, many women in the sector are finding themselves stretched beyond their limits this year.

POWarts and Art Mamas Alliance present an informal discussion led by artist Sophie Kahn will offer our members a space to share stories, offer support, and exchange ideas and strategies to help each other navigate this difficult time.

Click here to register!


Sophie Kahn is a New York-based, Australian sculptor and digital artist, and a co-founder of the Lady Tech Guild. She studied at Goldsmiths College, University of London, and the School of the Art Institute of Chicago, where she earned an MFA in Art & Technology studies. Sophie has taught at Pratt Institute, exhibited at C24 Gallery bitforms gallery, and completed residencies at the Museum of Art and Design, Mass MoCA, Pioneer Works and the Elizabeth Foundation for the Arts. Sophie is a NYFA Digital & Electronic Arts fellow. She lives in Brooklyn with her husband and two daughters, aged 5 and 11.