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Colleagues & Friends: Yseult Polfliet Mukantabana and Sara Kay

Colleagues & Friends: Yseult Polfliet Mukantabana and Sara Kay
Wednesday, May 17, 12PM EST
Instagram LIVE • Follow us at @powarts

Join us via Instagram Live for Colleagues & Friends with POWarts Steering Committee Member Yseult Polfliet Mukantabana and POWarts Founder Sara Kay. In this candid conversation, they will discuss Yseult’s new book Real Friends Talk About Race and the importance of female allyship.

Free for members and non-members

Yseult Polfliet Mukantabana is Rwandan, Jewish and a queer woman, author, social and art advocate. Mukantabana is the Co-founder of Kinswomen podcast, an expert research fellow at The Tel Aviv Institut and a POWarts steering committee member. Following the success of her podcast, which was selected as the top podcast by Cosmopolitan, Elle, and Marie Claire magazines, she is now working on Tell Me Who You Are, a new podcast about identity, the multiple truths one can hold in relation to that, and how leaning in discomfort is the only way to that journey.

Sara Kay, Founder and Chairman of the Board of Directors of POWarts, has over twenty-five years of expertise in the art field. She founded Manhattan Art Consulting and Sara Kay Gallery in 2017, and she currently serves on the Advisory Board of Pen and Brush, a nonprofit that promotes female visual artists and writers. Kay is the former Director of White Cube Gallery in London, and held leadership roles at Jan Krugier Gallery and Christie's. 

Make sure to follow us on Instagram to join the talk! (@powarts)

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