POWarts Salary Survey Resources
The POWarts Salary Survey is a jumping-off point for open dialogue around salary transparency. Here are a few links to additional resources and articles that may help enrich the discussion. These lists will be updated periodically.
Additional resources:
American Alliance of Museums 2017 National Museum Salary Survey
Arts + All Museums Salary Transparency 2019
Ask A Manager Salary Survey 2019
Association of Art Museum Directors 2019 Salary Survey
Ladies Get Paid
Related articles:
artnet, “How to Make the Art Industry More Equitable for Women”
CNBC, “Here’s the age at which you’ll earn the most in your career”
New York Times, “Money is not just for men”
New York Times, “Women did everything right. Then work got ‘greedy.’ How America’s obsession with long hours has widened the gender gap.”
New York Times, “Should you tell the world how much money you make?”